

Site:  http://www.cprogramming.com/
Rating: 5 out of 5
Date Reviewed:  April 18, 2005

     For those of you who don’t know, programming is a means of writing instructions, which tell the computer what to do. So, if we wanted to print Hello World to our screen in C++ we could write the following program…

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << “Hello World”;
return 0;

     You would then do something called compiling, which turns your program into machine code that the computer can read. That’s basically all there is to it in a nutshell, though there are a lot of specifics I could go though even with just that Hello World program. Anyways, on to the Site of the Week…

     Cprograming.com has to be one of the best C/C++ programming resources I have ever seen online. They offer a full set of tutorials to start you off with C++ programming and after that there is tons of resources available to you. You will find code examples, references, a glossary, tips & tricks, and much more for C and C++. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn about C++ programming or an experienced C or C++ programmer, there is something for everyone. One last thing is that there seems to be a nice, active message board where you could look to find additional answers and or get your questions solved. However, this site is not necessarily the best supplement for a beginner compared with a book.

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